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Prayer Service by Tsukiyo Hoshikage


Since 2023, I have started Prayer Service as a part of EuphorianZ Services. 

EuphorianZ Prayer Service is the service that I, Tsukiyo Hoshikage, create a "Chi-Ball'' (a energy ball ) using Reiki remote healing method, and by updating the energies regularly, a large number of unspecified people can use it. I have prepared them as a free service so that you can receive healing energy whenever you want depending on your purpose. The energies contained in Prayers are the same that I use in Reiki healing session (Shambhala and Goddess Quan Yin) . I hope that you read ~How I started Prayer Service~ and understand the purpose of this service before using it.

First and foremost, since the prayer works on people's energy, especially dealing with the energies for health issues in this service, I have come up with the method which the receivers of the prayer won't be affected by the human energy of the sender ( in this case, me). If you are someone who have tried other spiritual healing or counseling and couldn't see the result, it may have been a case that your energies were affected by healer's own energies for some reasons. (The healers who are still inmature with his/her own spiritual learning, might end up taking energy from their clients without even realizing it.) Even if that is the case, there won't be any receivers who will be affected by my own human energy through this Prayer Service. So feel free to give it a try :-)

You can use this prayer service whenever you like, such as when you wake up in the morning, before going to bed, during daily meditation, when you are relaxed in the bath, taking a walk, sunbathing, etc., as well as when you are exercising, during a short break at work, or at the gym. You can also receive it as many times as you like.

Currently Available Prayers:

 ・Prayer 0(LOVE)Improves overall luck

It contains a little bit of energy in all areas such as health, abundance, awareness, life work, luck in love life, etc. For those who wish to improve their overall luck or overcome their current difficult situation. (Contains immediate manifestation energy)

 ・Prayer 1 Immunity boost /Increases natural healing power

 ・Prayer 2 Attracts abundance

 ・Prayer 3 Increases your luck at work and attracts your life work

 ・Prayer 4 Improves memory/Brain activation

 ・Prayer 5 Spiritual Awareness

 ・Prayer 6 Pain Killer

 ・Prayer 7 Fever Reducer

 ・Prayer 8 Whatever Prayer (Can be used as an adjunct to other meditations, affirmations, healing, etc.)

 ・Prayer 9 Chronic Conditions, Suffering from Illnesses

 ・Prayer 10 For Those who have some kind of solid substance formed in their body, such as  tumor, polyp, fibroid, or stone, and would like to work on it.

​Click here to learn more about the energies contained in each Prayer.

Prayer Energy Details

Who can use Prayer Service?

Basically, anyone can receive it. However, in my settings for the service, I have set it as "those who are ready to receive Prayer's energy at the soul level'' and "those who can properly utilize Prayer's energy according to ones soul plan.''Also, those who understand the meaning of "God helps only those who help themselves." at their soul level. 

You don't have to know all this with your conscious mind. If you have respect for yourself and others, and are open and honest with yourself, even if you don't believe in things as spirituality at the moment, you can still receive the energy. So, please feel free to give it a try.

How to Receive Prayers

Please say it aloud, or just say it to yourself,

"I receive Prayer (number) prepared by Tsukiyo Hoshikage. "

By saying these words, you can download the energy kept in Chi-ball, and the energy will automatically be delivered to you in instance. 

You can receive it however you like, but I recommend that you receive when you wake up in the morning, before going to bed, during daily meditation, or when you are relatively relaxed physically and mentally, such as in the bath, taking a walk, or sunbathing, etc. 

If you are sensitive to energy, you may feel warm in your body, be able to breathe deeply, or imagine Prayer's energy wrapping around your body or the light gathering up to a specific part of your body, etc. Some may even receive visions or a message through your guide or higher-self. 

It is also helpful to imagine Prayer's energy merging comfortably with your own for a while. Please receive it as many times as you like.

What is prayer?

Now, What is prayer? You might say. There may still be many people who do not believe in the energy of prayer and spiritual healing because it is invisible to the naked eye.

Research on Prayer has been conducted all over the world for over 200 years. In recent years, research on prayer has been actively conducted at Harvard University, Columbia University, Duke University, etc., and there are already over 1,200 research cases. Even in the field of quantum mechanics, it has been proven that our thoughts exist as elementary particles called photons. In other words, it is a the energy that exists in this world just like out body, and because of this, you can understand that phenomena that can be considered miraculous have been occurring through prayer since ancient times.

The idea that "thoughts become reality" has also become quite popular these days. The fact that people's thoughts have power even in everyday life can be seen in phenomena such as the impact on the winning percentage between home and away when watching sports games. 

Now, I would like to share some interesting information about "Prayer.''

​“Prayer” -- Declaration of life

The late Professor. Kazuo Murakami, who was also famous for genetic science and was a emeritus professor at the University of Tsukuba, said this about the word "inori" ("prayer."in Japanese)

When we think of the origin of the Japanese word "inori''(prayer in Japanese),  "i'' means life force (spiritual power), and "Nori'' is the same meaning as "Norito" that is recited at Japanese Shrine by priest. So, it means a declaration. Therefore, "inori''Prayer is a declaration of life.

Dr. Alexis Carrel of France, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1912, witnessed the miracle of the Lourdes Fountain himself and later wrote in Reader's Digest in 1941, "Prayer is the most powerful energy that humans can produce.'' It is the same real force as Earth's gravitational pull. As a physician, I have witnessed numerous people being rescued from disease and depression by the solemn efforts of recovery, after all other remedies had failed.

There have also been various research results about Prayer in the United States, and Mr. Hiroya and Mrs. Akiko Yamakawa, who have translated many best-selling spiritual books, wrote in an article in Diamond Co. that Dr. Larry Dossey, has written many books on prayer, introduces some examples of experiments on prayer published in a medical journal. (The following is an excerpt from the Diamond Co. website)

Experiments have confirmed the effectiveness of prayer.

Several studies have been conducted in the United States on whether prayer is effective for the recovery of sick people. Dr.Larry Dossey, who has written extensively on prayer, published the following experimental example in a medical journal. In an experiment conducted at the University of California, 393 heart disease patients were divided into two groups: 192 and 201. Each day, only a group of 192 people received prayers from others. In the group that received prayers, nine people's condition worsened, while in the group that did not receive prayers, 48 ​​people worsened. However, it seems that some people agree and others do not accept whether the experimental results are really scientifically valid.

Another case is an experiment at a hospital in Missouri. They divided 1,000 patients into two groups and asked only one group to receive prayers from others. The results showed that those in the praying group recovered 10% faster. There is also an experiment conducted by Duke University from 1986 to 1992. In this experiment, 4,000 people over the age of 65 were surveyed and found that those who prayed daily lived much longer than those who did not pray.

Since the energiey of prayer are invisible to naked eye, it is difficult to state that there is any scientific basis for the effects of prayer. But even before this kind of research was conducted, we all know that the efficacy of prayer has been believed in many places and it has been used from a religious perspective since ancient times. Especially in the medical field, there are many miraculous results, and even in the field of genetic science, the late Dr. Kazuo Murakami said that prayer is highly relevant to "turning the gene on and off".​

Another theory says that DNA (genetic) changes occur instantaneously. It is said that influencing factors are  magnetic fields, stress, and prayer, etc. When you hear that DNA can change in an instant, you may or may not believe it, because it is indeed hard to imagine.  But suppose this theory is true, that could explain the stories of numerous miraculous recoveries and survival cases by spiritual healing that I have heard, including my own.

As a matter of fact, as I have been preparing Prayers for everyone, I have started to perform self-healing on myself more often, and I have been reminded of the positive effects (low back pain disappears in one day, receiving positive reviews at work, etc.)

So, if you are ready to experience the miraculous power of prayers, please feel free to try it out!  Just try not to be a quick judge since I set the eHnergy to be used in the best way at the best timing for each person:-)

How I Stared This Prayer  Service. 


Now, I would like to briefly explain how I restarted Prayer Service.


First, let me tell you a little bit of my own spiritual background and how I became interested in spirituality. When I was attending university in the United States, I was so busy with school and part-time job that I developed allergies throughout my body.  And it became so severe that they started to interfere with my daily life. After seeing a doctor for several months, I was told that they will never find out the cause and it would be difficult to be cured completely.  My reaction was "Oh~ no~way! It can't happen!"  And then I decided to take it into my own hands and did some research, tried natural remedies, started Yoga, and meditation. And then, surprisingly, I was able to fully recovered in such a short time, in a month and a half! 

Strange experiences that occurred during that time were what first drew me to spirituality. Some years later, by chance, I came across an opportunity to receive a Reiki attunement. Since I had no intention of doing it as a business at that time, after that, I would mostly use Reiki personally on myself or people close to me whenever needed. Eventually over years, I became able to understand the movement of energies among people, and feel the energies from prayers or Reiki symbols, etc. 

I have never thought of myself as a psychic, though I know that I have always a bit spiritually sensitive and have had many strange experiences since I was a child especially after my mother got sick. Those experiences were basically negative and scary, so I would ignore it. 

After I became interested in Spirituality in America, I became able to stop sleep paralysis, and understand energy movement among people, and become more sensitive to energies. So, I of course knew the power of prayer at that time.  There has always been a thought that there may be something that I could do for others using this sensitivity. But, until now, I couldn't find the right way for me. 

As you all know what happened in Japan in recent years, after the earthquake and pandemic, we hear all sorts of heartbreaking news on daily basis. While I was wondering if there was anything I could do for those who are truly in trouble or cornered and have no one around them to call for help,  something happened. Around the summer of 2023, , I started having strange dreams often. I would wake up several times during my sleep, reciting some mantra in my head, and another day was the name of some ascended master, or Japanese deity, or Bodhisattva instead of mantra. Another day was a vision of a map directing the location of a certain Japanese shrine....etc.


I didn't understand what those meant in the beginning. As a matter of fact, it wasn't my first time to experience those psychic dreams. So, I even tried to ignore them. Several months went by, and one day I suddenly noticed that they were all related to the energies that I was using in Reiki. 

But, even after that I didn't know what exactly I should do. So, I prayed and prayed asking "if there is something that you want me to do, show me the way in a way my conscious mind could understand!" 

Then one day, what came to my mind was  this Reiki's distant healing method.


In this method, when sending Reiki to a specific person (such as a client), a "chi-ball" is created by the healer in advance, and then he/she could receive the energy at any time they wish. The conditions to download the energy from Chi-Ball can be set by the Reiki healer, so usually the person the healer specified could receive the energy.

...So, in other words, I figured that, depending on the conditions I set, I would be able to let the people who qualify for the conditions download the prayer energy from the Chi-Ball

Basically, when sending healing energy remotely such as in Reiki healing, it is prohibited for a healer to send energy to someone unilaterally without permission. After all, even if we simply say "prayer" of which form is invisible to naked eyes, as we can see from the fact that energy also exists in substances called photons, it is possible that they can affect a person's energy field in some way.

This means that even if the sender/healer considers the act to be well-intentioned, for whatever reasons, it is possible to create the negative result for the receiver who are truly in need for help. Especially, for those who grew up as environmental victims, that could create the condition that is difficult for them to make favorable changes in their lives. 

That way, I won't be breaking the rule that we shouldn't send Reiki Healing to someone who doesn't wish to receive it. 

Considering all those facts,  . I have come to the conclusion that the condition that allows the people who only wish to receive the energy to download the energy from Chi-Ball, will be no violation of the energy field for anyone, including both the healer & receivers. And it won't be a violation of spiritual rules either. 


This is how I came about with the idea of Prayer Service this time:-)


Prayer 0 (Zero/Love) 


This is the first Prayer I have prepared for the people who are experiencing the difficult situations, such as no one is around when you need someone's help'' In order to have energy used positively in the necessary areas, the prayer contains following energies that could be used in all areas ; abundance, increase luck, improve personal relationships, self-healing, attracts life work, increases luck at Work, Spiritual Awareness, etc. It also contain rescue energy as well as immediate manifestation energies for those who are really in need for help.  . Since it is an energy that increases your overall luck, I have also added the condition that allows anyone who wish to receive the Prayer 0 energy to receive it in a normal way.

This kind of difficult situation is more likely to happen to the people who have grown up as a most sensitive person in one energy group, such as family, and have become accustomed to that negative energy pattern. There are easy-to-understand cases such as abuse and neglect, and also cases where everyone in the energy group is too nice and the most sensitive person ends up absorbing negative energy.


As the number of people choosing suicide have been increasing due to the influence of Covid 19, or damage of natural disasters etc, EuphorianZ Prayer Service is truly my prayer is for human angels all over the world who are ready to shine with their own light. 

Conditions for receiving Prayer 0

・When a person who is truly in need for help and ask God for help in their mind.

(The energy of Prayer 0 is automatically downloaded by the thought, and reach the person. )

・When the soul of the person is ready to utilize the Prayer energy

(when the person is ready to take responsibility for their own life, accept change and move forward).

Those who meet these conditions and receive Prayer 0 energy can use that energy to move forward in some way. That energy may appear as a message from a higher dimensional being, someone may appear to give you some messages, or it may appear as your own intuition and make you want to take some actions. It is set so that the energy is used in the best way depending on the person's situation at that time.


The second condition may seem strict, but it is a must.

”God only helps those who help themselves."

It is absolute truth that we have no choice but to take responsibility for our own life. Despair begets despair. . . it is indeed difficult to reach people who have truly given up from the bottom of their hearts. However on the contrary, it will definitely reach those who are genuine and honest and haven't given up on themselves. 

Prayer 0 contains energies for all areas such as abundance, good fortune, strength, life work, health, awareness work, etc. I have also added the condition for those who are currently in a happy state without many problems or those who wish to improve their overall luck. They can receive it in the usual way  by saying aloud or saying it to yourself,

"I receive Prayer 0 prepared by Tsukiyo Hoshikage." 

I hope you understand that judgment on whether you are qualified for receiving the prayer is not on me. I leave it up to something greater than I am. So with that in mind, please feel free to receive it

~Important Note~

EuphrianZ Prayer Service has no side effects, but the results are not to be guaranteed. So please be your own judge, and use it at your own risk & responsibility. 


Click here for Energy Details on Prayer 1~10.

​Prayer Energy Details

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