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About EuphorianZ

Welcome to the World of EuphorianZ!!



EuphorianZという言葉は造語ですが、英単語 "euphoria"(多幸感)という言葉から連想できるように、生きていればいろいろなことがある中、幸せや感謝を感じる心を持ち続けることができる、そんな人達のことを指しています。世界中のそういう人達の日々の生活に、ちょっぴりでも笑顔や感謝の気持ちをアート制作を通じてお届けできればと思っています。

Finding a little happiness in our everyday life...


EuphorianZのロゴの四葉のクローバーは私が子供の頃、初めて四葉のクローバーを見つけた時そのクローバーの葉っぱ一つが小さかった、っていう思い出が元になっています。ある日の放課後、私は友達とシロツメクサが沢山生えている場所で四つ葉のクローバーを探そうということになりました。友達はシロツメクサの四葉を見つけられたのに私は一向に見つけられません。夕暮れでもう帰らないといけないという頃、シロツメクサの生えている場所から少し離れたみかんの木の下で、シロツメクサではなく、ハート型の葉を持つカタバミの四葉、それも4つ目の葉は小さい、っていうちょっと不完全な四葉を見つけました。それでも生まれて初めて見つけた四葉のクローバーにとっても幸せな気持ちになったことを今でも覚えています。日常のたわいもない出来事の中で見つけられるHappy Moments、一緒に探してみませんか?

We are all made of love...


*EuphorianZ Formula*

Love =…ラブ(in Katakana, Japanese)=pronounces "luv"= 0 =〇=Whole & Complete=Divine=神(Kami, deities)=柱(poles)=(its shape holds the same as )I=pronounces "ai"=愛(ai)=I=私


“私=愛”  私達はみんな愛そのもの。。



God helps those who help themselves.









EuphorianZ is a lifetime project of Japanese artist Tsukiyo Hoshikage. This site showcases her various artworks in various styles that emanate the essence of "Euphorianz".

The word "EuphorianZ" stands for "the people who know the meaning of being "HAPPY" no matter what is happening around them. 

Find a little happiness in our everyday life...

As you see, the image of the logo of EuphorianZ is a 4 leaf clover. It came from my childhood memory that I picked 4-leaf clover for the first time in my life. I still remember vividly that it made me so happy even though one of 4 leaves of the clover was smaller than the others.  

After going through the difficult times like a world-wide pandemic or unexpected natural disasters, now, we all know that there is nothing in our lives that we could take for granted. Having a state of mind being able to find a little happiness and stay appreciative with everything that we already have is more precious than ever. I certainly hope that what I offer through EuphorianZ could add a little smile and light to everyone's life;-)

Hope you enjoy the site and join us in the world of EuphorianZ!!

Tsukiyo Hoshikage


1972年生まれ 愛媛県出身 現在神奈川県横須賀市在住



現在はAIコラボアート、AI Collaboration Arts:『Euphoric Town 2nd Stage』『Prayers of Ancient Wisdom』、その他、『The Rainbow Boy Niji-Bow』『神代文字言霊アート Kamiyomoji Kotodama

 Calligraphy Arts』など複数のプロジェクトを同時進行で進めています。詳しくはHomeでUpdateをご覧ください。

Nice to meet you all! I am Tsukiyo Hoshikage, a Japanese artist who was born and grow up in Japan. At age 20, I moved to NYC and studied Arts & Design, and worked as a freelance artist for about 15 years in the US. In the year 2012, I permanently moved back to Japan. While I was taking some time off from art making, I pursued my own heritage, Japanese old cultures, enjoyed visiting shrines & temples and rediscovered the connections and commonness between East and West cultures. Going through world wide pandemic, she has now come together with several art projects, such as AI Collaboration Art Illustration Series "Euphoric Town", Kamiyomoji Kotodama Calligraphy Arts, Niji-Bow Illustrations, Reiki Prayer Service, etc... She also offers prayers to those who are in need using Reiki distant healing (combined with Kamiyomoji Kotodama Calligraphy Arts)

Art Resume


*Fine Arts *Digital Arts* Writing *

~ One Person Shows 個展 ~
2001 Artist of the Month Exhibition "Who Am I?"
2003 個展 “Journey” 『旅』 Ward-Nasse Gallery, NY NY
2004 "Holidays Are Fun" The Schaknow Museum of Fine Arts, Plantation, FL

~ Group Shows グループ展~
1996 National Academy of School of Design and Fine Arts Annual Exhibition NY NY
2000 The Featured Exhibition "Celebration"
2001 The Featured Exhibition "RENDES-VOUS"
2001 Artist Exhibition & Competition
2002 The Featured Exhibition "Art for Children"
2003 International Emerging Artists Annual Competition "Transition-Dialogues On Life" Remote Gallery, NY NY
2003 "Abstraction VII" Period Gallery, Lincoln, NE
2005 The Featured Exhibition "Blue"

~ Awards & Honors 賞 ~
1997 Award of Merit Manhattan Art Int'l 6th Annual Competition NY NY
1997 First Place, Age 20-29 Division Art by Artist Art Contest, Tempe AZ
1998 Award of Merit Manhattan Art Int'l 7th Annual Competition NY NY
2001 Second Place The Second Ago Art Contest Art Gallery Online Organization
2001 First Place - Abstract Category Artist 2001 Exhibition & Competition ArtCafe
2003 Birthday Card Contest
2004~2008 Editors Choice Awards Poetry Writing Contest by Liberty Publishing
2005 "Full Moon" "Illusion" VH1 Song of The Year Songwriting Contest Honorable Mentioned
2006 "What I Like About You" VH1 Song of The Year Songwriting Contest Top 5 Finalists
2008 5th Place at Lula Lu Bra Design Campaign Contest

~ Public Collection コレクション ~
The Schacknow Museum of Fine Arts, Plantation, FL

~ Publications 出版物 ~
1999 Direct Art Buyer Magazine vol.1 by Art Productions NY NY
2002 Artfolio, by Art Network, Nevada City, CA
2007 Poem "In The Sea of Emotions" Published in Best Poets 2007 by Liberty Publishing
2010 Featured in "Graphic Design Translated"Graphic Design Resource Book by Rockhart Publishing

~ Educations ~
1993-95 New York Institute of Technology Major in Design Graphic
1996 National Academy of School of Design & Fine Arts NY, NY
1996 School of Visual Arts NY, NY Major in Illustration
2002 Capri Institute Manicurist Course
2007 Career Center New York Certificate of Completion in Publishing Design

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