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Kamiyomoji Kotodama Calligraphy Arts

Discover the mysteries of ancient Japanese cultures!

One of EuphorianZ Projects, Kamiyomoji Kotodama Calligraphy Arts is the arts of the ancient Japanese characters called Kamiyomoji along with use of other forms of traditional Japanese arts such as Kotodama, Haiku/Waka/Senryu, and Sumi-e, etc.

Kamiyomojis are often used on the documents kept secretly at Japanese shrines for years, and surprisingly, there are as many as 30 of them discovered to this day. Many of them are believed to have mysterious powers such as healing & attracting good fortunes. Combined with Kotodama (certain words and its sounds have positive powers) and other art forms, I am trying to create the arts that emanates positive messages to the world.

My basic concept for my art-making is mixture of the Old & New, the East & West.  Now, I do believe Kamiyomoji Kotodama Arts is worth sharing with the world with as many people as possible.

Through this project, I hope I can share the essence of where I come from, and also people not only enjoy the difference between Eastern & Western cultures, but also could find something in common as well.


Stories Behind The Project
                  As you may already know, I lived in the United Stages for nearly 20 years. When I permanently moved back to Japan in 2012, I was totally like a stranger to my own country, Japan.  In order to get to know my own heritage, I started to visit many places across the country, and I noticed something very  interesting, which is, many of Japanese cultures are strongly connected to the oldest Japanese history books, "Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki". Although they are academically considered as history books, the stories there are considered as myths because of the lots of mystical, miraculous contents of it. As a matter of fact, many stories from the books are still told as folktales to children in Japan. What was fascinating to me was the fact that the deities who show up in the books are still worshiped at the many Shinto shrines in Japan, and the Japanese first emperor was also born from the blood lines.  As you know, still many people, not only Japanese but the people from all over the world enjoy visiting Japanese shrines.  It has definitely become a part of our way of life. Also, considering the fact that the religion Shinto is strongly connected with Imperial household, I am not religious myself, but I can not deny that traditional Japanese cultures has a lot of religious and spiritual aspects of it.  



So, ...what is Kamiyomoji? 

And then, in the process of learning Japanese old cultures, I also learned the existence of ancient Japanese characters, called "Kamiyomoji".

"Kamiyomoji", which writes 神代文字 in Japanese, is the ancient Japanese characters which were found in the old documents and were kept at some shrines or certain individual clans for generations. The word "Kamiyo" means "the age of gods (Japanese deities)," "moji" means "character(s)". Hence, it literally means the characters that were used in the era where gods ruled the land, before modern Japanese characters, Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana were used …. 

 And it is  considered that they possess mysterious spiritual powers, many cases such as curing diseases and improving situations are being reported. And for me, the Kamiyomoji characters called Akiru-kusa, Katakamuna, Woshite, Homemi, and Ryutai characters, and their unique and artistic shapes grabbed my heart. I totally fell in love with it. 


The number of Kamiyomoji currently discovered in Japan is as many as 30. As far as I know, famous & popular ones are 4 or 5 of them. It is said that some of the Kamiyomoji are as old as the early Joumon period (about 10,000 BC, Stone Age). And some look very similar to cuneiform, Hebrew characters, Hangul characters, etc… 

To this day, many people have studied Kamiyomoji, and it seems the information of Kamiyomoji has been more exposed to the public in recent years. Many books are also published, and many of them say that there are miraculous healing powers in Kamiyomoji. As a matter of fact, some licensed doctors and health practitioners in Japan use Kamiyomoji in their treatment methods. Miraculous results, such as that incurable diseases were cured, that chronic conditions were improved, that a bully stopped, that the crime rate was decreased, or that gray hair were lessened…etc…various cases are being reported. 

So, as I practiced writing Kamiyomoji in Japanese calligraphy, I came up with the idea of combining with other traditional Japanese art forms such as Kotodama, Haiku/Waka/Senryu, and Sumi-e...etc.  

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The Ultimate Prayer "Achimarikamu"

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Achimarikamu, which also known as Ajimarikan (accented over time) is said to be an ultimate prayer, also considered to be the same word with アチマリケーム (pronounces Achimarikehhm), a Hebrew word which shows up in The Old Testament. (It doesn't show up in The New Testament). In English it is tranlated as "In God We Trust", but the word Achimarikamu contains more meanings. This word of prayer (or kotodama) was written in Kamiyomoji, Ahirukusa moji and had been long kept at Yamakage Shinto which is one of the shinto organizations that serves Japanese Imperial family for long generations. And 80th head of Yamakage Shinto, Mr. Hiroaki Omote was permitted to spread out to the public for the first time by the predecessor, simply because it is needed for crucial time like "Now". It is believed to have strong purification power and brings good luck to those who pray with the word. When you pray, it is recommended to face South, and repeat 31 times. (It is the number of WaKa, 5+7+5+7+7)

Let me dig a little deeper into the word of Achimarikamu. Although English translation is as simple as "In God We Trust", the meaning of the Hebrew word "Achimarikehhm" is "God, please govern us all, (because we are helpless at this period of great turbulence)" It seems more like "surrender".

In addition, the meaning of Japanese Kotodama "Achimarikamu", the word itself doesn't make sense in the preset time. But, when we try to read with the meaning of each letter, its sound (音霊)

  • A        life force energy

  • Chi  condensation

  • Ma  to receive, acceptance

  • Ri  to disengage

  • Ka   power, force

  • Mu  expansion 

And in Japanese numerology, the number 31 means, "a vortex of energy that releases pressure". 

Therefore, when you pray chanting this word 31 times, you literally creates the energy movement around you that could be created through meditations. 

This Kamiyomoji word is available as a FREE Downloadable  PNG file which you could print out or use it on a custom product at my online Art & Design Shop.

Download FREE at

Your Name in Kamiyomoji 

As I already mentioned before, there are many miraculous cases reported about Kamiyomoji. Even some licensed physicians use some Kamiyomoji characters in their treatment. 

It is said that your name written in Kamiyomoji represents your higher-self, a great prayer for living your life in fullest. 

〜*〜 EuphorianZ Service 〜*〜

Pick your favorite Kamiyomoji character from "Homemi" "Katakamuna" "Akiru-kusa" "Woshite" and "Ryutai" and I write your name in Kamiyomoji in Japanese calligraphy, and scan it and create an digital PNG file for you. You could print it out on your favorite papers, or add your name on my artworks, or your favorite gift products to create one of a kind gift for yourself or loved ones!

Name Only           $20.00

Name & Customization    $25.00

Please contact me via contact form or Email me for more details!

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