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Kamiyomoji Kotodama Arts Word Index

For those who are interested in Japanese cultures, I have created the index list of the words that are often show up in my project, Kamiyomoji Kotodama Calligraphy Arts.

Kamiyomoji 神代文字

Kamiyomoji (or Jindaimoji) is the ancent Japanese characters which were found in the old documents and were kept at some shrines or certain individual clans for generations. The word "Kamiyo" means "the age of gods," "moji" means "character(s)". Hence, it literally means the characters that were used in the era where gods (Japanese deities) ruled the land, before modern Japanese characters, Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana were used.

It is said that they were used in the era long before the current Japanese characters, Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji were used, when Japanese deities ruled the land. (In fact, there are many Kamiyomoji charcters of which shapes are very similar to Hiragana & Katakana.) And because of that, they are called "Kamiyomoji" which means "the characters of god era" in Japanese, and also it is often considered that they possess mysterious spiritual power. 

To this day, many people have studied Kamiyomoji, and it seems the information of Kamiyomoji has been more exposed to the public in recent years. Many books are also published, and many of them say that there are miraculous healing powers in Kamiyomoji. There are some licensed doctors and health practitioners in Japan use Kamiyomoji in their treatment methods. Miraculous results, such as that incurable diseases were cured, that chronic conditions were improved, that a bully stopped, that the crime rate was decreased, or that gray hair were lessened…etc…various cases are being reported. 

The number of Kamiyomoji currently discovered in Japan is as many as 30. As far as I know, famous & popular ones are 4 or 5 from them. (Ahiku-kusa moji, Katakamuna, Woshite moji, Homemi moji, etc) It is said that some of the Kamiyomoji are as old as the early Joumon period (about 10,000 BC, Stone Age). And some look very similar to cuneiform, Hebrew characters, Hangul characters, and also Hiragana& Katakana etc… 



Kotodama 言霊--When "Kotodama" is written in Chinese Characters, it is written "言霊”, and its direct meaning would be "Spirit of the Word". When you look into it in a English dictionary, it says "The words with miraculous powers". As you can probably imagine, I think its concept is similar to "affirmations" in Western cultures. When you say positive words, you attract positive outcome, etc... In Japan, it is believed that certain words such as "Arigatou(Thank You)" carries more powers than other words. It is important that you say those words aloud even though you don't really mean it. "Kotodama" has a long history, and it is said that every person who was born in the bloodline of imperial family receive the education of Kotodama philosophy. It is not only from the philosophical or spiritual point of views,  actually, certain words are proven to affect the tension or strength of body muscles instantly and make differences in human actions.  I often use those Kotodama words in the message on my artworks.

Haiku/Waka/Senryu 俳句・和歌・川柳 -- As many of you probably know, they are short forms of poetry,  with the rhythm of 5 • 7 • 5( • 7 • 7). Especially "Haiku" is widely spread to the world, many people enjoy creating it and share with others regardless of difference of language or cultures. What many people may not know is its history and sacred meaning of it, which is, the message of Omikuji (fortune-telling-paper-strip that you can get at Japanese shrines) was initially only written in the form of Waka as messages from god. So, some believe that the rhythm of 5 • 7 • 5( • 7 • 7) is sacred, and writing the words with the rhythm could be considered as your prayer to gods. 

Haiku- the shortest form of poetry, 3 lines containing 5 ・7・5 syllables. also needs to contain one seasonal word.

Senryu- The form is the same as Haiku (5 ・7・5 syllables) but doesn't need to contain seasonal words. Usually It isconsidered more casual than Haiku and often contains sense of humor.

Tanka - It is also a short form of poem, 5 line containing 5 ・7・5 ・7・7syllables. It is often called "Uta"(means "song", and mainly during Heian era (AC794〜1180) nobility often exchange "Uta" as a letter to communicate with each other, and they also compete with each other at formal poetry gatherings. 

Sumi-e・Suibokuga 墨絵・水墨画 -- It is a popular asian art form with a long history. It is Black & Whitewater color paintings method using Sumi-ink (charcoal black ink). To me, the part that uses Sumi-Ink is very important. Sumi is charcoal. And, charcoal is actually a very interesting substance. For examples, when a child swallowed a coin by mistakes, doctor often makes the child drink charcoal liquid because it absorbs toxins from the coin. In Japan, we use charcoal in order to erase odors of shoes, some people put charcoal into a rice cooker in order to make the rice more tasty. And spiritually, charcoal-black is believed to absorb negativity as well, that is why it works with Shakyou (transcribing sutras) perfectly. 

Norito 祝詞 -- In English, it is often translated into Shinto Prayer. In English Dictionary says, 

  1. ritual prayer; invocation of the gods participating in a rite

  2. congratulatory address

Usually, it is recited by Shinto priest at Shinto rituals. It is believed it has purification energy, and  purify the energies of people, places, or certain things in general. The word, "Norito" is written as 祝詞 in Chinese characters. "祝“ means "celebration", so some Shinto priests say it is the words to praise Kami (Japanese deities), of which concept seems very similar to psalm of Christianity. 

The big difference with western affirmation, psalm, or incantation of other religions, each 48 characters & sounds of Japanese language has its own meaning. That is why it is said that you don't even need to know the meaning of the words. That makes Japanese Kotodama & Norito very powerful. In my research, I have found out that some special Sinto priest, such as 135th  head of Hata clan who have long served the Japanese Imperial family, Mr. Kanetsugu Tsuchimikado even uses high frequency sounds when reciting Norito in order to make it more effective. 

Achimarikamu (アチマリカム)

Achimarikamu, which also known as Ajimarikan (accented over time) is said to be an ultimate prayer, also considered to be the same word with アチマリケーム (pronounces Achimarikehhm), a Hebrew word which shows up in The Old Testament. (It doesn't show up in The New Testament). In English it is tranlated as "In God We Trust", but the word Achimarikamu contains more meanings, such as "surrendering" or "letting God hundle the whole situation.", etc. This word of prayer (or kotodama) had been long kept at Yamakage Shinto which is one of the shinto organizations that serves Japanese Imperial family for long generations, and it was written in Akiru-kusa

Kamiyomoji character.  80th head of Yamakage Shinto, Mr. Hiroaki Omote was permitted to spread out to the public for the first time by the predecessor, simply because it is needed for crucial time like "Now". It is believed to have strong purification power and brings good luck to those who pray with the word. When you pray, it is recommended to face South, and repeat 31 times. (It is the number of WaKa, 5+7+5+7+7)

When the word, Achimarikamu is interpreted by other Kamiyomoji, Katakamuna, "Achimarikamu" means the state that light gathers up and it spread out outward. By saying it aloud repeatedly, it could create very positive energy movement.

The art image of the word Achimarikamu written in Akiru-kusamonji in PNG fiile is available as FREE DOWNLOAD at


Amatsu Norito 天津祝詞

One of the most well known or popular Noritos which is also easy to remember. To sum up the Amatsu Norito, It is asking your prayer to be heard for 8 million Kamis (deities, gods) of Japan. The names of major deities of Japan who also shows up in the stories of Kojiki (one of the oldest official history books in Japan) shows up in the Norito.

Hifumi-Norito (Hifumi Ritual Prayer) ひふみ祝詞

The author of Hifumi-Norito is also unknown. Though Hifumi-Norito has also become a children’s song, it is still used as “Norito” (Ritual Prayer) at Ishinokami Shrine in Nara prefecture. First 12 letters are the old ways of counting numbers and these 12 letters contain Yin-Yang energies already. Especially the first 10 letters out of 12 are important, and they are used in other 48 syllable song, Katakamuna-Utahi, as well as Hurube-Norito which is believed to be very powerful, and with special instruments, it was even believed to be able to resurrect the dead.

Each letter of Hifumi-Norito is given the meanings below. It explains all the things in the universe.

Iroha Uta (Song of Iroha)  いろはうた

The author is this 48(47+n-sound)song is unknown. As mentioned in my last campaign, when you say, “you learn I.Ro.Ha”, it means you learn the basic. According to Mr. Kouki Yamamoto who specializes in Iroha-Uta, also who introduced me to the world of Kamiyomoji, each letter of Iroha-Uta and “Hifmi-Norito” is given the name out of Yosoya-shin (48 Japanese gods or deities).

It is said that it works better when you sing with Hifumi-Norito which has more Yang-energy in the song, for it seems that Iroha-Uta work with Yin-energy which is closer to the energies of Buddhist incantations.

Awa (no) Uta (the song of A and Wa) あわうた

This 48-syllable song is originally written in Woshite characters in the Kamiyomoji Document called “Hotsuma Tsutae”. It is believed to have strong healing powers and its document, “Hotsuma Tsutae” is, so called, much more detailed version of “Kojiki” or “Nihonshoki”. As for Woshite character, it is simply a magical character, in my opinion. They are very systematically and conceptually created. It shows in Woshite 48-sylabble table. Its shape explains 5 elements of the earth, which is very closer to the ones from China, as well as the cycle of life and death. And the vowel sounds are also divided to YinYang energies. And this Awa Uta is also very magical, when the lyric of this song is lined up in a certain way, its shape also creates the energy movement of votex and it also becomes like modern Japanese 50 syllable table that is used in present. It is very hard to explain everything just by words like this, but you would be amazed if you once understand how carefully designed these characters are. 

In one of Kamiyomoji documents, Hotsuma-Tsutae, it is written that one of the most powerful deities in Japan, Amaterasuoomikami, would sing Awa Uta everymorning and would teach the Japanese Language to his (or her) citizens, Considering all the good things that were put into 48 letters of Japanese, even though you don't sing the 48 syllable songs aloud, you are already blessed and could attract lots of positive energy just by speaking Japanese in our daily life. 

Katakamuna Utahi (Songs of Katakamuna) chapter 5 & chapter 6

This 48-syllable song is originally written in Katakamuna characters in the Kamiyomoji Document called “Katakamuna Utahi”. In my opinion, this is one highly magical Kamiyomoji document, to say the least. And it is my favorite! Katakamuna characters are also very systematically designed, and it is created on the base, the shape of Yata-no-Kagami(sacred mirror), which is one of the three sacred treasures. The document is made in 80 chapters all together, written in a form of spiral, with the rhythm of 5.7.5, containing numerous names of Japanese deities that show up in Kojiki. But, the contents of it is not really about history, more about science, explaining how the world is created.

Ms. Nobuko Yoshino who has studied Katakamuna has discovered the deciphering method of Japanese language using Katakamuna. She has found out the meaning of each sound of Japanese 48 syllable as well as the numbers corresponding to each syllable. According to her Katakamuna method, when the word, “Arigatou” is deciphered by Katakamuna numbers, its calculation turns out as follows…


So, The total number corresponding the word, “Arigatou” is 37, which means that “the feelings of gratitude that emit from me integrate with you.” It sounds a little funny in English, but it explains the energy movement of the feelings of gratitude. And when the number is multiplied by the multiples of 3 which means “light” in Katakamuna, it becomes 111, 222, 333….consecutive numbers which you might also call “Angel numbers”. So, the word “Arigatou” also means “the light that keeps radiating outward”. 

Diamond Fuji, Pearl Fuji

Diamond Fuji - It is a rare phenomenon that the path of the sun overlaps the top of Mt. Fuji. It is so rare that considered as a good fortune. 

Pearl Fuji - The full moon version of Diamond Fuji. 


Gourd is an interesting plant that bears so many fruits from one vane.  In Asia, it was often used as a water bottle by hollowing out the inside.  For being able to use it as a bottle, and its interesting shape & textures, it is also believed that gourd absorbs negativity inside, and has been used as a  good-luck charm or talisman. One of the famous shogun from feudal era, Hideyoshi Toyotomi used goldpainted Gourd for Umajirushi (one of military equipments) for good luck. Also, for its women-like shape and that one vane bears so many fruits, it is also believed to bring prosperity for descendants. In Feng Sui, it is believed to bring health and good-luck in money. 

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